July 2020

While Theatre Arts and Opportunities teachers have not been able to enter DOC facilities due to the pandemic, we have been busy.

In partnership with THE CENTER FOR FAMILY JUSTICE, our InsideOut Youth Theatre Program is offering a writing program.  Kids can join the program on ZOOM and share their creativity in poetry, plays or short stories.  We plan to put together a booklet of their work to save their summer memories! Artwork is also welcome!

Calling All Writers Aug 2020.jpg

Last year we began a Book Club, also in partnership with CFJ for kids who love to read.  We have announced a reboot of the program, scheduled to meet weekly on ZOOM, to talk about our takeaways from the reading.  Sharing thoughts about what resonates with each reader enhances our understanding of not only the book, but what is important to each other.

Crossed Swords, a play focused on the history of the civil rights movement and its leaders, written by seven members of the Actors and Playwrights program, Abdullah, Jamar, Lawrence, Kevin, James and Chauncy is in rehearsals for a ZOOM performance.  We feel that the history of the civil rights movement is always relevant and immensely important. At this pivotal time in US history, it is our hope that we can help educate and inspire a deep and enduring commitment to equality and justice.

We have been working closely with Books Behind Bars, an organization run by Sherry Anandappa, which is dedicated to procuring book donations and delivering them to DOC facilities in Connecticut.  In this time without programming and visits, books become even more essential.  Please contact us if you would like to make a donation of books.

In this challenging time, we sincerely hope that all remain healthy and safe.  We look forward to continuing to expand our programming outside the DOC, yet very much look forward to resuming the work we love inside the walls.