Happy 2018

So far, it has been a busy year. A new theater class has begun at Manson Youth Institute in Cheshire, CT. An enthusiastic group of hopeful thespians came to orientation on 1/8. The structure of the class and its goals were described for the students and they are looking forward to the prospect of learning to perform and the opportunity to show off their new skills at the conclusion of the 12 week semester.

 It was inspiring, and fun, to watch them listen, learn and laugh as we moved through the guidelines, expectations and activities they will be learning. The essence of acting is listening, an exercise crucial to developing technique, as are collaboration and courtesy. These life skills will translate into educated, confident and poised performers and citizens. 

 The Garner Players have been on a class break yet busily writing for the Mentoring from the Inside Out program.  Many inmates are involved in creating plays, performance pieces and poetry for younger performers in the community. These pieces are specifically geared towards steering young men and women to healthy relationships, courtesy and productive lifestyles. These pieces are not without humor as well as profound examples of the results of positive actions and words. This should be fun and rewarding for both parties. I am always reminded that they are called “plays” for a reason.

 Stay tuned as classes get going and theatre is created!

 - Elizabeth Young, TAO Founder & President