February Blog Post

The goals of TAO continue to be met and exceeded. We are very excited about the opportunities which continue to unfold.

On February 1, 2018 Mark Aldrich and I met with the Chair of the Drama Department at Quinnipiac University to begin laying the plans for a performance of Garner work on their stage.  An actual date has not been selected yet but it will be posted here and on our calendar when it is set. TAO continues to seek venues to showcase the amazing talent and skill of the men who create this work.  

We are excited about the robust response to our Mentoring from the Inside Out program. Several members of the Garner Players have been busy writing plays, poems and spoken word pieces for a youth theatre group in Bridgeport, CT.  The plays deal with themes and issues young people encounter on a regular basis.  In their mentoring capacity, the playwrights deal with these situations in positive and productive ways.  The playwrights are inspired by the opportunity to connect with today's youth in order to help guide them towards a fulfilling future. The first scheduled performance for this group of young performers is projected for 4/29, at 2PM at The Little Theater in Newtown.

The beginning of the theater class at Manson Youth Institute has been delayed.  We have two superb volunteer teachers ready and excited to begin working with these young men.  Students we have met so far are eager to start classes in preparation for performances.  We anticipate the classes will commence in March 2018.  

Mark and I will begin arrangements for Playwrights and Actors classes at Cheshire Correctional Institute later in the spring.

TAO is also in the early stages of forming a theater organization for returning citizens.  We believe that  offering the opportunity to be involved in a creative and rewarding group activity immediately upon release provides a sense of purpose, fulfillment and commitment which strengthens social bonds and industrial skills. We look forward to developing and building this company.

We appreciate the support of the DOC Commissioner, Scott Semple as well as the men and women who work in the institutions.  Without their assistance we could not do what we do!