August Blog Post

The days of summer have been busy for The Garner Players.  Classes are being held twice a week for a current count of 21 Players. With an eye to the December productions, evening classes are devoted to writing plays and spoken word pieces which can be worked into the program.  These classes focus on technique and energetic writing, by which we mean simply  getting words on paper which are frequently revisited for rewriting and edited.  The classroom provides a precious opportunity for writers to hear their work.  This is an asset to the creation of any written work. Students provide valuable talent and feedback in this process as well as enhance the atmosphere of cooperation.

Afternoon classes are spent on acting technique to further elevate the production value.  Elocution, projection, character development through scene study and movement are all part of a great performance.  Actor Christopher Bird has stepped in as a volunteer to guide students through the process of honing their skills on stage.

The program planned for MYI has been delayed due to low student turnout.  We will post sign ups again in the fall.  The program at McDougall Correctional Institution has been delayed as volunteers are recruited.

Plans to  start up the youth theater program are moving along as we secure space for rehearsals and a potential partnership.  We continue to move forward.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and thank you for visiting our site to check in.  We appreciate your support!